Products and services
A good and sustainable structure is made of several different stone aggregates
We have more than 30 years of experience in infrastructure construction and stone aggregates. We have designed and built small and large sites around Finland. We know what is required, when building in the Finnish environment. Due to our experience, we also know that a properly built foundation will withstand frost, wear and soil movement.
Sustainable infrastructure construction experts at your service
When you deal with us, you will receive expert service at all infrastructure construction stages in addition to quality stone aggregate products. We help you define, which products are most suitable for the soil at your construction site, in which order and how thick the layers of different stone aggregates should be to ensure a sustainable end result.
Please contact us, tell us about your building project and its purpose of use. We discuss and plan with you.
With the help of our network, you can also find infrastructure construction and earthworks professionals, who shall, if necessary, carry out the construction on your behalf.
Please also read our delivery terms.
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Our products are CE approved. We inspect and review the grain sizes of the stone aggregates, take samples and monitor curves on a weekly basis. In this way, we ensure that the products we sell are of high quality.
Crushed rock aggregate
Crushed rock aggregates are load-bearing and well-consolidating stone aggregates. They always have material for 0 ingredient to more coarse stone. Crushed stone is used for foundation layers, structural layer and also a surface material.

Crushed stone for load-bearing layers
Coarse crushed rock aggregates are suitble for the load-bearing layers for frame filling and foundation structures. The most common applications are the foundation structures of roads and streets.
Features: good load-bearing properties and good consolidation properties
Available grain sizes:
0–200 mm | 0–90 mm

Semi-coarse crushed stone for making surface structures load-bearing
Load-bearing properties and a material to be shaped is needed between the foundation layer and the suface layer. 0–56 mm and 0–32 mm crushed stone have the best properties, when the surface structures are required to be durable.
Features: good load-bearing properties and good consolidation properties
Available grain sizes:
0–56 mm | 0–32 mm

Crushed stone for evening and shaping
When the load-bearing foundation layers have been made carfeully, the evening and shaping layers can withstand seasonal variations. The finest crushed stone for evening and shaping the surface are best suited, for example, as installation sand and the load-bearing beds to be prepared under pipelines.
Features: good load-bearing properties, evens and shapes well
Available grain sizes:
0–16 mm | 0–6 mm
Rubble is a coarse stone aggregate which is lacking the zero ingredient, i.e. the finest ingredient completely. Thus, water penetrates rubble well and lets the ground breathe.

Coarse rubble for foundation structures
When the foundation structure needs to be able to move and water must drain through the foundation structures, rubble with the largest possible grain size is the right choice. Coarse quality rubble is mainly used under structures, in underground drains, next to walls and in the filling of buildings’ base floors.
Features: good load-bearing properties, a lot of porous space for the flow of water, ends a capillary end
Available grain sizes:
Ask if needed

Rubble for thick interim and surface structures
When thick layers are needed at the construction site, stone aggregate that allows the penetration of water, rubble with a medium-sized grain size is the best choice in terms of properties. The main applications are interim floor filling and filling near walls.
Features: good capillary closure properties, good penetration of water
Available grain sizes:
16–32 mm

Rubble suitable for garden construction
Coarse rubble that is suitable for garden construction is good to be used against structures. It has the same good properties as coarser rubbles, but the small stone does not damage more sensitive structures. The most common applications are wall-side installations.
Features: good capillary closure properties, good penetration of water, structure is suitable against more sensitive structures and surfaces
Available grain sizes:
5–16 mm